Important Security Disclaimer

Important Security Disclaimer RM Clark is committed to maintaining the highest standards of security and privacy. In line with this commitment, we would like to clarify the following crucial points:

-No Personal or Financial Information Requested via Email: We will never ask for sensitive personal, financial, or password information through email communication. This includes, but is not limited to, social security numbers, bank account details, credit card numbers, and login credentials.

-Secure Communication Channels: If we ever need to discuss your personal or financial information, it will be done through secure, verified channels. We encourage you to always check the authenticity of any communication purportedly from us.

-Vigilance Against Phishing: Please be aware of phishing emails that try to impersonate RMClark and ask for personal or financial details. Always verify the email's source and avoid clicking on suspicious links or attachments.

-Your Role in Security: We advise you to regularly update your passwords and use strong, unique combinations. Additionally, please review your account statements and report any unrecognized transactions immediately.

For any concerns or if you suspect you have received a fraudulent email, please contact us directly NOT relying on links or phone numbers embedded in any communications you are unsure of. Thank you for being vigilant and helping us maintain a secure environment for all our customers.